once there was a demon who made deals with the desperate

what was given?

everything they wanted.

and what was taken?

everything they had.

profilename: yatsukahagi no yumeko
epithet: demon-eyes
race: au ra (raen)
- hingan/doman
- common
- garlean
physicalityheight: 5'2"
age: late fourties
- round, shaded glasses
- tail covered in gilded chain
- brilliant teal eyes with a glow
- clad in gleaming golden cloth
- long, immaculate black hair
- carries herself with purpose

yatsukahagi no yumeko

strategist - gambler - generalwhat worth do things have if you will not miss them when they are gone? victory is made valuable by the risk of disaster.life is sweetest when you dance on the razor's edge of annihilation and despair.so, make your choice.entertain me, darling.

money won is twice as sweet as money earned

tales told through time

Before Tanzaku, before all the gilt and glimmer of the Kugane night life, Yumeko was a very different person.A born strategist and sharp of wit, Yumeko was one of the minds pitted against the Garlean invasion of Doma. Convinced of their ability to win even in the face of overwhelming technological superiority and manpower, Yumeko became known as PALE-EYED DEATH for her unforgiving and brutal wartime tactics. Soldiers died en masse in battles orchestrated by her, on both sides. And yet, time and again, she clutched victory steadfastly in her hands. No tactic was off limits - poison, subterfuge, assassination. In her eyes, to throw victory away for the sake of honor was a fool's errand. There was no use wasting time and energy to play at being the righteous side - there was only the act of survival.Yumeko was aghast when the king, Kaien Rijin, surrendered to the Imperials. She spat on the name Rijin - cowards to the last. Retreating to the shadows, she would aid the Liberation Front for a time; plotting and conducting sabotage and slaughter operations from the shadows. But even this would prove fruitless - the ill-fated rebellion was crushed, and she fled Imperial Doma for the isle of Hingashi.It was here that she began to carve out her place. With her steel will and nothing to lose, she gambled - she risked - she rolled the dice. And in time, the figure known to the underworld as DEMON-EYES YUMEKO had secured her place in it. Now, she claimed victory not for king and country, but herself.And yet...she yearns for the thrill of the struggle; the opportunity to dance on the thinnest edge betwixt satisfaction and oblivion. To have it all invites boredom. Stagnation.And that just won't do.

to make your ambitions come true, you have to take risks


⥈the house of preventions ⥈

An imposing tower clad in golden ornamentation, Tanzaku provides every vice and virtue a thrill-chaser could desire. Games of skill, of wit, of chance - everything can be found within it's auspicious halls; even the chance to bet on distant conflicts and quarrels. What harm is one little game?On top of providing gambling thrills to it's patrons, Tanzaku is a neutral ground for the Eastern underworld. Meetings between rival clans, those seeking alliance or amelioration - all are welcome to rent space from the casino, for a reasonable fee.Just one rule: No blood is spilled on Tanzaku property.

⥈doman war general⥈

In the days before the Imperial occupation of Doma, Yumeko was the brightest mind of the Yatsukahagi clan. Renowned for her talent at prising victory from impossible odds, her reputation truly came from her brutal tactics that many contemporaries deemed dishonorable.After the Rijin dynasty surrendered in disgrace, Yumeko lent her strategic mind to the budding Liberation Front. Before long, she left even that behind - spitting on the cowardice of the royalty, she fled in the face of Imperial arrest warrants.

⥈the hyakki yagyo⥈

Rumours swirl around the manager of Tanzaku - that if she ever looks at you without her shaded spectacles, you'll be forced to do her bidding. Or, perhaps, you simply fall over dead. Or you must give her all your worldly possessions. The truth is hard to come by, but whatever it is - there's something about her eyes....

⥈sworn to the spider⥈

Stories tell that the founder of the clan made a fell bargain; one that each of his descendants in turn would honor. A pact with the yōkai, said some. Others, that his wife was an auspice. The Yatsukahagi kamon bears eight tomoe, like grasping, spindy legs. Whatever the truth may be - there is that forest on their ancestral lands....


> yumeko is a roleplay character on the ffxiv server balmung
> my active times trend towards late afternoon/evening on most days, in the pst time zone
> please feel free to hit me up for roleplay, even if i look busy - i'd love to set up a time to do a scene
i am looking for:
- long-term rp
- contacts within the eastern underworld scene
- relationship building
- taking a gamble